What Trigger Point Acupuncture Treats

What Trigger Point Acupuncture Treats

Trigger Point acupuncture treats many conditions. It is based on the idea of problems being caused by a related muscle or muscle group.  Below is a list of major, treatable problems and the likely trigger point locations.

Body Region Experiencing Pain or Problem Common Problems Possible Triggering Muscle Group Commentary
Head & Neck Headaches, vision impairment, jaw pain, ringing in the ears, neck pain, sinus pain Neck, upper back. The muscles of the upper back and neck wrap up and over the head. Tight muscles below can cause problems anywhere those muscles go.
Arm & Shoulder Tennis elbow, golfers elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness or tingling, frozen shoulder, shoulder pain Forearm, upper arm, shoulder, upper back Many arm problems come from muscular problems in the shoulder. Elbow issues are often caused by unusually tight forearm muscles.
Chest Palpitations, Heartburn Chest Any problems that may involve an organ such as tightness in the chest should be checked by an MD first. Often, when nothing is found, trigger point acupuncture relieves the problem
Abdomen/Stomach Digestion, diarrhea, nausea, frequent urination, bladder pain, menstrual pain Abdominal As organs are found here, this area is a treatment location for problems that seem much more serious. Medical problems perceived as organ-related are often caused by abdominal trigger points.
Low Back Low back pain, sciatica, menstrual pain Low Back, buttock, Lower leg Most commonly treated location in the body.
Legs & Hips Shin splints, sciatica, ankle, knee, hamstring, thigh, hip, groin, and genital pain, achilles tendonitis Buttock, upper leg, lower leg, low back The intersection of some of the most powerful muscle groups in the body is at the knee. The knee joint can easily be affected by trigger points in any of the attached muscles. Your pain may actually be coming from  the quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles.
Feet Platar fasciitis, heel or toe pain, foot soreness and pain. Lower legs, lower back Do you experience foot pain and limping the first few steps after you get up in the morning ? You may have a trigger point in the calf causing the problem.

Trigger point acupuncture treats neck, back, foot and other pain.

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